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Lot 23- FINAL SALE - FELIX FAULKNER What a Lovely Evening

Art Auction for Helvick and Dungarvan RNLI | Painting | Vendita Online


Oil on canvas 30x30cm

Felix Faulkner born in Zimbabwe I have a background in jewellery and design, with a 5 year foray into ceramics before starting painting seriously in about 2005. Having trained as a goldsmith in Zimbabwe and Germany, I spent 25 years working as a designer/make, in Cornwall, UK, before moving to Ireland in 1995. Once here I set up my jewellery studio and also taught, part time, with the VEC Dungarvan. On retiring from teaching I began painting alongside the jewellery and now spend as much of my time at the easel as at my workbench. Artists Statement Working mostly in oils or pastels, my subjects can range from the light on the landscape, to trying to capture the personalities of rooks or the exploration of texture, with a particular love of the derelict, decay and disintegration and the patinas and colours of rust.


Agente Immobiliare

Naoive Coggin


Contatta Naoive