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Lakeview, Claregalway, County Galway, Ireland

Kereskedelmi telek | Aukció


BV Commercial present to the market c. 9.16 acres of land under Folio GY29052F at Lakeview, less than 500m east of the centre of Claregalway in County Galway. The lands comprise 3.71 hectares (9.16 acres) of high quality agricultural lands and are held under Folio GY29052F. Adjacent land uses include both agricultural and residential land uses.

The lands are currently zoned 'OS - Open Space / Recreation & Amenity' in the Galway County Development Plan 2015-2021 Gaeltacht Plan.

Claregalway is located approximately 12.5km north east of Galway City and benefits from excellent local and national road links including the N83 (Galway-Tuam Road) and the R381 leading directly onto the M6 (Dublin-Galway Motorway), less than 6.5kms to the south of the subject lands.

Please call BV Commercial Real Estate for further information on 091 745240 or visit our website - www.bv.ie .
