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1,047m² Service Station For Sale in Dunswart, CL34655

FEBRUARY AUCTION | Service Station | Aukció

Telek mérete:


On Auction 20 February 2025 - Petrol Station - Property + Operation

The subject property boasts a GLA of approximately 1 047.3m² (Including the forecourt canopy) and sits on a land parcel which is 2 495m². The property has 3 distinct improvements focused around the automotive sector, comprising of a fuel station, tyre centre, panel beater and an additional takeaway.

The site lends itself well to a fuel station re-development of which an offer has been put forward by a reputable Oil company. The site has immense upside, is well located and is going to auction on the 20th of February 2025.

Key Features

  • Fuel station: Property and operation
  • Prime re-development opportunity
  • An offer has been put forward for a re-development by a reputable oil company
  • GAI (Property Only): R978K
  • Excellent locality



Jayson-Lee Collins


Jayson-Lee megkeresése