How does Offr work?

Transform how you do business… through a small button on your website.

How does Offr Work?

Transform how you do business… through a small button on your website.

Let's get started

  • Sign Up Now

    Signing up is instant and easy.

  • Create an account in minutes

    Setting up your account is quick. Follow the instructions and you’ll be up and running in no time.

  • Link a property

    Adding a property is easy. We just need the address.

  • Use DocuSign for the PSA

    Get your agreement signed quickly and efficiently.

  • Start saving time now

    One of the most efficient ways to cut time off the lengthy sales process is to invite the Seller’s attorney early!

Offr Mobile
The Offr button
Offr Mobile

Add the Offr button to your website.

We will give you a snippet of code to embed in your website. Don’t worry we’ll provide you step by step instructions.

Showcase your brand

Make the Offr experience a part of your brand. It’s completely customisable allowing you to use your colours, your brand, your currency, even your language.

Configure the Offr Button

Select the Method of sale. Launch with a Countdown timer. Turn on/off open Viewings or enable Appointment only. Set access levels for Legal docs in Document Vault.

Offr Mobile

Manage offers

  • Know your customer

    Potential buyers can upload Proof of ID, funds and address. Letting you approve their documents before they can bid or make an offer.

  • Real-time notifications

    No one is ever left in the dark with our real time notifications. Whether a new doc has been uploaded or an new offer submitted, we’ll always keep you in the loop.

  • Review offers

    Quickly compare offers side by side. Accept the offer that best suits your client.

  • Accept an offer

    Generate the Sale Advice note or if it’s Auction sign the contracts immediately using DocuSign.

  • Payment made easy

    We facilitate quick and secure payment of deposits through Stripe directly into your account.

Offr Mobile
Completing the sale

  • Legal queries and replies

    For the first time you will be able to monitor legal interactions with all parties.

  • Exchange contracts

    Law Society Conditions of Sale signed and witnessed from any location, on any device, using the world’s leading, most accepted and trusted secure digital signature.

  • Completion

    Completion to occur as per the completion date set out in the executed Contract for Sale. Completion process overseen by the attorneys for the buyer and seller.

Need more detail? Download our comprehensive 'Agent Guide'.

Follow easy step by step instructions on getting setup with Offr and learn how our key features work.